Making a Sound Wad
1. Open up WinTex.
2. In the top box, click the game you want to edit.
3. In the box labeled "PWAD to examine or modify," find doom.wad or doom2.wad (depending on which game you're editing).
4. Click "Edit PWAD."
5. Click on the button at the bottom that shows a speaker.
6. To hear a sound, click on its name in the far left box. At the top of the screen, it says what that sound is. Find a sound you want to edit. Click on it.
7. Go to the "Edit" menu and click "Copy entries."
8. Close the window by going to the "File" menu and clicking "Quit."
9. Go to the "File" menu and click "New WAD."
10. Type a name for the wad and click "Okay."
11. Click on the button at the bottom that shows a speaker.
12. Click in the far left box.
13. Go to the "Edit" menu and click "Paste entries."
14. Click on the sound's name in the far left box.
15. Go to the "Edit" menu and click "Load entry from file."
16. Load a wav file. The file has to be 11,025 Hz, 8 bit, and Mono.
17. Repeat this process for any sound you want to edit.